GP Ossenmarkt | Groningen City Center

General practice for all people, including international students

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Getting an IUD placed at our practice

Initial Consultation with the General Practitioner

Do you want to have an IUD placed? Make an appointment during your general practitioner's consultation hours to discuss whether the IUD is suitable for you. The placement is covered by Dutch health insurance, but you will need to pay for the IUD itself and any necessary STI tests.

Excluding STIs

Before an IUD can be placed, we need to be certain that you do not have chlamydia or other STIs. The results must be known before the placement. Results are usually available about four days after the test is submitted. You can find more information about these tests on our STI page.

Scheduling Placement During Menstruation

The IUD is placed during menstruation. Call on the first day of your period to schedule the placement. If you know when your period starts, you can also make an appointment in advance. The insertion is preferably done at 2 PM.

Picking Up the IUD at the Pharmacy

You must pick up the IUD yourself at least one day in advance at the pharmacy. You can look up the cost of the IUD at Any reimbursement depends on your (supplementary) health insurance.

Pain Relief Before Placement

Take a pain reliever one or two hours beforehand, such as 400 mg Ibuprofen and/or 1000 mg Paracetamol. These pain relievers are available over the counter at the drugstore or pharmacy. Don't forget to have breakfast or lunch, but do so in moderation.


The insertion goes best when the pelvic floor muscles are relaxed. These muscles may tense up if you're in a hurry to get to the practice! The bladder should be empty, but that can be taken care of at the practice.

After Placement

After insertion, you may experience period-like abdominal pain. Therefore, try to keep your schedule light on the day of placement. You may also have some bleeding. Contact us if you experience fever, abnormal discharge, persistent or worsening abdominal pain, or heavy vaginal bleeding after the placement. Avoid tampons for two weeks after placement due to the risk of infection.

There is a very small chance that the IUD may be expelled from the body or that it may puncture a hole in the uterine wall. If there are doubts about whether the IUD is positioned correctly, we can refer you for an ultrasound. This is seldom necessary, but be aware that the costs will be deducted from your deductible.

Six Weeks After Placement

Approximately six weeks after insertion, we will check whether the IUD is still positioned correctly. You can make an appointment for this after placement.


If the IUD is placed during your period, it offers immediate protection. The hormonal IUD provides protection for eight years (Mirena) or five years (Kyleena), while the copper IUD varies by type.
Keep track of when the IUD needs to be replaced.
Remember that the IUD does not protect against STIs. Always use condoms for risky contacts.