GP Ossenmarkt | Groningen City Center

General practice for all people, including international students

Medical info

Pregnancy and childbirth

In case you are pregnant

Always notify us in case you are pregnant. Even though in general, GPs do not provide perinatal care (care during pregnancy and childbirth), nor maternity care afterwards.

Also make an appointment with a midwife, best before 9 weeks of pregnancy. Midwives are medical professionals who have received 4 years of training and are specialized in pregnancy and childbirth. Choose a midwive that you feel comfortable with.

Not sure how you feel about being pregnant?

You are pregnant but did not plan for this to happen? You are not sure if you are ready to have a child? Talk about it with someone you trust. Or make an appointment with your GP.

Do you prefer to talk to someone else? You can also make and appointment with an abortion clinic or midwife. They can guide you and give you advice. Below is a list of midwives. Midwives are medical professionals who have received 4 years of training and are specialized in pregnancy and childbirth. Choose a midwife that you feel comfortable with.